
Archive for January, 2013

10 Secret Societies in the World

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

We have always been hearing of different sorts of secret societies in the world. More often than not, a conspiracy theory is based around one or more than one of these hidden secret socieites. According to general conception, the sole concept of these organizations or societies is too claim world hegemony and this is precisely why, most of the world events that have a global impact, whether positive or negative, is linked to them!  I am sure that most of you must have heard of more than a few of the societies listed under but this list is an all en-compassing document of all the societies that there are. There are many famous leaders and personalities from around the globe that have been known to have a link (whether minor or major) to one or more of these hidden agencies! Read it for yourself!


This is touted to be one of the largest most influential of all the secret societies! The society was formed in the 1700s but the documents that are evidence to its existence are as old as the 1300s. Personalities such as Winston Churhcill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, and a host of others are known to be Mason Masters. Their rules have changed since the past days but critics maintain that they have occult ways! Read more…

10 Most Famous Unresolved Mysteries of Science

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Science has progressed a lot over the years but there are still some unresolved mysteries out there to which science does not have an answer! There are anomalies, natural phenomenons, certain strange things that appear out of no where and scientists all over the world cannot seem to figure out an answer to them! This article will briefly touch the top ten of such unresolved mysteries of Science, which despite being one of the most researched branches of Education, seems to have failed in certain areas!

Cattle Mutilation

There have been rumours and often sightings of apparently dead cows, cows whose soft organs have been torn out and who are drained of blood, turning up alive. They seemed to have been operated upon and to date no one has figured out where they came from. Read more…

Categories: Mystery, Strange

10 Most Evil Women in History

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Women are generally known to be very polite, graceful, and poised! Everyone expects them to be something out of a Shakespearean novel, a woman of an elite background, of a royal descent. This article, however, will throw light upon some of the most evil women in the world. Evil in the sense that they enjoyed torture, brutality, murders, and abuse for one reason or the other! If not that then they were evil and rigid on the posts that they held! Behold, here are the ten most evil women in the world!

Myra Hindley

Born in the year 1942 and died in the year 2002, she along with Ian Brady were responsible for the murders in Mancheseter which were referred to as the Moors Murders. They were responsible for brutal torture, abuse and the murder of three children and two teenagers! Read more…

Categories: Persons

10 Weird Unresolved Mysteries in the World

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

There are so many people in the world, who only focus on finding interesting things in life, things that are still unexplained or unexplored. Just to satisfy the need of such readers and mind adventurers, I have compiled this article for you. This lists ten of the most mind boggling, unexplained mysteries on our planet. Things that even the top most scientists and theorists have no clue about, places that hinders the thought regarding their creation or any evidence thereof!

So without further delay, read on to get fascinated and being searching for what might lay out there.


The Disappearance of the Watchmen of Eilean More Light House

Off the west coast of Scotland, there are a collection of highly uninhabited but adjoined, 7 islands. Over the years several ships had crashed onto them and therefore a light house was created. Only to find that the three watchmen that were installed on the light house were no where to be found. No bodies, no clues, nothing! Plain disappearence! Read more…

Categories: Mystery, Strange Tags:

10 Richest Teens in the World

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

When you were a teenager, did you ever think of owning the world or of buying all different clothes and having various sporty and flashy cars at your doorstep?  I am certain that you did because nearly everyone does. Well the only  difference between that teenaged little version of yours and the teenagers in this list is that you dreamed of those things in your teenage and thought of finally having them when you grew up.

These little lucky humans have all of what we dreamed of, right now. Right in their teenage and ofcourse they have worked for it and everything but it does make you wish a bit more. I am sure this was enough of an intriguing introduction to what lies ahead for you in this article.


Willow Smith

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Categories: Persons

10 Craziest Mental Disorders

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

There has always been numerous cases of mental disorders in history and thanks to the advancement in medical, a lot of these disorders and now provided with a solution. A deeper look into the statistics for these tells us that one out of a hundred people in America suffer from a mental disorder.

After you have gone through the list below, you shall see that how affecting these disorders are on the lives of the people who go through them. Some of them actually have a huge impact on the people who are effected and the way they go through their everyday lives!


Type One Bipolar Disorder

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Categories: Persons, Science

10 Strange Road Signs That You Can Come Across

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Before you think that there isn’t possibly anything interesting about road signs, think again. Because I have compiled for you, some of the weirdest and most absurd road signs that you could ever have the honor to come across. Amuse yourself as you read on!

Tank Crossing

strange road signs

Well, I understand if a sign says, ant crossing or even tortoise crossing, but in my opinion, putting up a sign that says “Tank Crossing” is uncalled for simply because a thing that huge is quite visible already. Read more…

Categories: Strange

10 Most Enigmatic Places on Earth

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

I am sure all of you must have heard about various locations in the world but what I bring to you is a list of places about which there are still speculations and their existence is not entirely logical so to speak.

So compiled here is a list of some of the most enigmatic places on earth. Do share your thoughts in comment section.


Machu Picchu

This is one of the most preserved places of Peru and was apparently built in 1450 CE


This place is famous for the three temples and the wall that surrounds them. The wall is built with the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, some of them weighing as much as 1000 tons!

Easter Island

It is famous for the stone structures that are present there. Some that weigh more than 86 tons. There were actually so many of these structures that they were later moved onto the perimeter of the island and places upon stone slabs!


Built in 2500 BC, the Stonehenge is one of the most amazing prehistoric monuments. It has been remodeled quite a lot but it still maintains the same spell bounding factor in itself!

The pyramid of Ghiza and Sphinx

Although the pyramids have been the center of attention for quite sometime now, one still wonders and gets awed at the spectacular magnificence of these structures and what maths would have been involved when coming up with them!

Underwater ruins of Japan

In 1995 a swimmer in Japan went further across the shore and found what appeared to be a whole lot of man made structures under the water that were found to be 5000 years old! Amazing isn’t it!

The Stone Spheres

Since the 1930′s in Costa Rica, archeologists have been coming across these stone spheres in all different sizes and some as heavy as 16 tons!

Chichen Itza

This is supposed to be the place where the famous Mayan civilization presented the rain God with still-beating human hearts as part of a ritual of theirs. The same civilization that predicted the end of the world in 2012. Creepy eh!


This particular structure in Bolivia is famous particularly because it has been standing for 17000 years now and apparently was made using some technology that no longer exists! Interesting I say!

The Nazca Lines

Considered to be one of the most amazingly mysterious places in the world, the Nazca lines in Peru are these huge pictures made in the plains apparently drawn by some giant hand. Given their form, they are certainly not man made!

Categories: Nature, Wonders

10 Amazing Things You Didn’t know About Dreams

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Dreams are a very important part of our lives because for some that is actually the real world (unfortunately) and then for some, it is an escape, and then for others it carries messages and signs. The science of dreams is very interesting but listed below are some even more unknown aspects of dreams that might interest you.

Epic Dreams

Dreams that completely changed a person after he or she woke up from it, are known as epic dreams. Some people who have seen epic dreams have also experienced dreams within dreams, and eventually a life altering phenomenon!

Marijuana and Dreams

Doctors have found that those taking marijuana had eventually suffered from a complete loss of dreams and after they stopped taking it, the experienced what could only be called vivid dreams. This proves that marijuana messes with the REM of a person.

Difference in dreams of different genders

So here are the amusing differences between the dreams of men and women. Where women have longer dreams, filled with emotions, and with places and people they know, men’s dreams are shorter, void of emotion and normally involving places and people unknown to the dreamer!

Dreams and Psychosis

Here is a thought, if a person has a continuously disturbed REM, it can eventually lead to psychosis. REM is the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, for those who didn’t know.

Dreams of the Blind

There is something you did not know, even the blind people have dreams. They only dream sense and sounds, no images unfortunately.

Dreams inspire great ideas

Vincent Van Gogh claimed that he dreamed his paintings and then he painted those dreams and this stands true for a lot of different great inventions. They were dreamed first!

Children’s Nightmares

Believe it or not, children have more nightmares than adults, specially in the age where they cannot speak. Some people also believe that when children cannot speak, they see the exact future in their dreams! Creepy no?

Dreams are forgotten

More than 90% of the dreams are forgotten! Yes, no wonder we do not remember what goes on when we sleep most of the times.

Dreams of Animals

It seems hard to believe but yes, animals also dream. The pattern varies from dogs to cats to birds ofcourse but doctors claim that all mammals can dream period.

Brain Activity during dreams

Now this is a rather interesting find, that the cortex of the brain is more often than not, more active then it is when a person is asleep! A very bad case of this is when the brain does not shut off at all even if coma is induced, which then causes fatal insomnia!

Categories: Best of Best, Science, Strange

10 Bizzarre Guiness World Records

January 6, 2013 Leave a comment

Going through the Guinness book of world records is a favorite pass time hobby for a lot of us. I am sure that not all of us remember all of the weird records that are listed there. We have all seen various kinds of records that were made and then broken but in this article, I will be bringing to you some of the strangest world records ever!

Read on to find out exactly to what extremes people go to get on the Guinness Book of World Records! Do share your thoughts in comment section.

The Worlds Longest Diary

Robert Shields of Washington, is in the habit of writing a diary everyday from 1972 to 1996! The diary is more than 35 million words long and considered to be the longest diary in the world!

1016 Piercings

Robison who graduated from a high school in Ottawa decided to get 1200 but found it so painful that he just settled for breaking the record after which all but the record breaking piercing was left in his body! The previous record was that of 1015 so he just got 1016 done!

Most T-shirts worn

Wearing the most T-shirts at one time is a record that is held by David Alexander who wore exactly 121 t-shirts to break the previous record.

Largest Display of Star Wars Clone Troopers

LEGO® in the U.K built the largest collection of Star Wars troopers clones which are entirely built up of plastic lego bricks and nothing else. The collection was displayed in 2008 and there are as many as 35,310 models of Star Wars troopers in there!

Largest Smurf Collection

Steven Parkes who is a British national started collecting stuff toys and key chains of the Smurfs when he was merely a child and it soon became a habit! He now has more than 1100 pieces now that include Chritmas Smurfs, Smurfs dressed as historical figures, and Smurfs related to Easter!

Maximum number of people dancing to Thriller

Hector Jackson, an impostor of the original Micheal Jackson decided to throw him a tribute! So what he did was that he performed at the Monument of Revolution in Mexico City, the song titles “Thriller”, the same year that Michael had died. It is estimated that the number of people were around 13597!

The World’s Biggest Miser

Miss Hetty Green, however, she was a very rich lady and I certainly do mean very rich because she has nearly 107 million dollars in adjustment. The extent of her miserliness can judged from the fact that once her son broke a leg and she spent so much time looking for free medical treatment that the leg was amputated! Talk about being a miser, this woman is a total biaatch!

Tightest Frying Pan Roll

The record is held by Scott Murphy who rolled an aluminum frying pan with his bare hands into a circumference of 30 centimeters. It was a 12 inch aluminum pan. I would surely not like to be on the receiving end of a punch from those hands!

Eating an Airplane

The man called Michel Lotito ate up a Cessna 150 which is an airplane for those of you not in the know. It took him two years to eat the whole plane, the years in question being 1978 to 1980.

Eye Popping record

I reserved the weirdest for the last place so here goes. There is a guy from Belo Horizonte named Claudio Pinto. He is the first man in the world who can pop both of his eyes out nearly 95% or what would roughly be one and a half inch out of their respective sockets! YIKES!

Categories: Best of Best